Monday, 6 April 2009

Lone stranger

Wind blown hair in a windowless room
A lifeline of knuckles
waddles into the afternoon
Look into its eyes
It will look into your eyes

Good to be back.

I can tell you of the most recent events. They are few,.

Today I got out of bed before the sun reached it's zenith. A good sign I thought. Went to shower, for which I managed to score some hot water. Then a shave. I thought I would since I had so much time.
Ok, says ed. Lets try the new open razor I recently bought . Good choice! Within a minute I'd managed to inflict 5 decent sized gushing wounds on my fizzer. Doing well! I opted to finish the job--not my life-- with a safety razor and continued, after that, using a wide range of methods, to stem the flow of blood from my now palid face. It eventually stopped gushing.
I then had breakfast. With Colombian coffee brought from Colombia made in the little expresso maker I found in the kitchen. A fantastic thing!!!

Having finished breakfasting, I went back into bathroom to view the destruction committed to my face. Whilst entering the bathroom I noticed I had a scorpion for company. It was a big one. well, not as big as me, but bigger than the last one I found. He/she was stranded in the toilet bowl. I made attempts to save it but admitted defeat as much thru fear as inadequecy. I had to flush the poor guy away. MAybe he will survive in the distant pipes!.

I will go back to reading and keeping a low profile until my face looks less like the aftermath of a big cat attack.

Ahm thinkin of swedgers an jeg, and how unappealing it seems to me now. How things change as the clock spins.
A day, a night, an awakening fright. Then there are no more peaks to seek. no more avenues to to explore. Cul de sacs. just cul de sacs. uninvigorating, debilitating the mind. And all the while, time. It can be so slow. It can let me go. It can take what it wants in chunk sized bites. I despair the long nights and enveloping twilights. I dont think of the day until it's gone away. I get carried along cul de sacs. can't escape the cul de sacs.

Lovin' ya


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