I know the highest and the best
I accord them all due respect
but the brightest jewel inside of me
glows with pleasure at my own stupidity
It's not so hot. Nothing to hatch. or catch. A slow time indeed, as the muscles ache with over use or little use. calling the awaiting bleep. Stranglehold on this delectable life of swarming and dawning days. The last time I did this I had a smile on my face. The fizzer hud a grin, noo this sonsie zog is in a contemptuous grimace and battling hard to keep it at that only. With this persistant state of living. This unequaled unrivaled monotony that haunts and flaunts its anguish, To me... Fir fuksake. What have ah did tay insite sich betrayals. I cannae fathom it. and it goes on..and on and on. I don't want to be makin' a great big deal of it... but. Y'know. It isnae just. there's no morality that would allow this to be given as a punishment, even for some fairly nasty deed. An deeds of that sort I don't partake in. Oh no. not me. Ah've got some principles y'know. They may not be conventional, or convenient at times, but principles they are nonetheless, and by them I stand. details of such fine credentials can be had if you wish to have them. just gimme a wee bit time to set them out for ye. .. / but naw, No' the noo. a bit later mibby. but then .. mibby not.
The matter in hand is one of deep personal tragedy. It involves others; people that urny me but are known to me. I could divulge more regarding identities but I will keep it that wee bit more abstract, for the sake of those concerned.
As with all dilemmas it's simply a case of AYE or NAW. Should ah or should ah no'. nane o'that inbetween shite that some people go in for. It's a straight cut and dried case. should ah or should a no', as I said (the "di" part-of dilemma- reduces the options to just 2. as I just advised you) .. Och, fuck wi'this. Ahm no' gonnae explain the
The pure fact is that I am in this sort of dilemma. A more rational being would quite possibly no' even consider it to be as highly regarded as a dilemma but for this yin, mah goodsel'. A dilemma is whit it is. And for that reason alone I am justified in the fretin that is upon me as I write.
If ah cannae get to the bottom of this and make some sort of decision then I will need to give up. Whatever giving up means. Ahm no' sure coz there are always other fundamentals to consider. MAking a decision is never an easy thing to do when so many uncertainties persist. I'm the most uncertian fucker in existance. Ah can flounder, Ah can arse around and ah can ponder for ever and ever.but coming to a point of decision when there are things at stake. Possibly major things. My uncertainty
Where can I go what can I do. ???
There should be things in this world where you go to consult--spin a disc of somesort or whisper into a soggy mirror- it knows the ins and the outs of allthings and it comes upwith a suggestion from an objective standpoint. Ah just fancy a remedy that will make things more simple- you may say eddie, your shirking your responsibilties-, an' aye, ah suppose that wouldny be too far from the truth of it.
It's not even feeling all that important now. I will tell you about something else.
There were unexplained lights in the sky in 1944. now people want to keep on seeing them even altho they are now gone. And they must belong to spacemen. At least it's better than claiming it to be some godly visitation-- you know what things are like when the religions get a hold of them. Those religions of the world have a lot to answer for but lets be thankful they don't -to my knowledge anyway- stake a claim to the mid twentieth century unexplained lights in the sky. Real insiders willbe aware that they most likely came from secret human endeavors to create antigravity flight technology. The success of which is still a big secret!!
I want to go riding on horses. over fields at a gallop. MAn and beast- scorching across the firmament. Big smiles. exhilerating. juddereing about to the horses rhythm - holding on like for your life, screaming banshee, one flailing arm.. but not to fall off.not to be badly injured in a crash. just galloping into the wild blue yonder. EcuestrianRiders...
tata for today.
All my love and kisses for everyone.
riding riding