Thursday, 2 October 2008

The past that past

Is on the wing
And every face is in a hidden place


. Since it's the first words on the new trip I will inform you of my whereabouts. this is Colombia. I am today in Popayan. That's a bit to the south.

Well it's like this, I am on a travel. a seven monther.. My intention is to spend time with MAria Inez. The girl in the life... Then I may have time in Ecuador. There is an opportunity which I may divulge at a later date but it sounds interesting.... I think I will go up to Salento in the next day or two for a wee spot of country life Colombia style it will be good to see my old friends up there and breath the air. ach aye. It's the life... I have a room to move into next week in Popayan. It's a nice wee place in the centre of town and it will save me a lot of money. I will stay there a month then decide the next move which may involve the ecuador opportunity. Been meeting a few people I got know on my previous visit, that's been nice.

Mental state
Oh, that's improving after a languid start. I got into a bad state to begin with. The change in Culture, the language all the usual change stuff. I have now, however, got myself into a much more content mode.

The rant
Whats a report without venting my wordy wrath upon the world. It's not a s simple as one may imagine it to be-- to be carrying out this sort of tirade. For that reason I will take it easy for this first piece. I am feeling fine tho. It's a strange feeling to be ok. not too angst ridden and I may even have a happiness inside me. It won't last tho. Oh no. These things to me are like aliens, like liquid fuckers that course thru the veins and upset the fine balance. I chase them away like most chase demons. The awkward bastard that I can be. I wish a change, a whole new internal system. My blood to be new, by organs to shut down and re-boot with an alter state that will allow me to cope with the shit of the world in a more conventional manner. By that I probably mean by allowing me to be as greedy and uncaring as most of the rest of the rabble of this rancid world of beauty and spiralling wickedness. I cannot instigate these changes myself. Certain drugs I suppose will push me one way or another and they can be of benefit in certain situations in certain quantities for certain amounts of times. I can see the grass grow and I can feel the tremors as flower petals gently thud onto the ground. I recal days when this seemed impossible. I recal days when A family life was a drive in the car to a cloudy beach on the west coast. Picking up stones to put in a polishing machine. Visiting the hill that goes the wrong way. All that stuff of the past is most certainly past. And now without doubt is the now. I am not fighting or resisting these facts.
. So I am calm.....

All the love

in blue.

..ed xxx

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