Friday, 9 March 2012

every one is for nuts and the shakes

Learn to live, learn to love 
Learn to feel happy
Learn to recognise
Where the joy lies
Why do we cry -- why do we seek the impossible but never try to get there when opportunity knocks? You know the answers as well as I do and I only bring this to your attention in order for you to ponder on and on.

In the middle of certainties and unknowns. Onions, yer life is onions no more and no less. I know the secret of a life. A secret that is fully laden with wisdom and promise.. I bounce balls I can't stand it when evening falls-- at six at six at six all the time... Gimme more time and I'll give ye a sign- I'll give you a line that will open yer mind- a hint or a stint as a better person. A wee romance maybe, a feeling that you know something.-- Something you do in fact know very well but just won't open up and acknowledge. Of course no one needs me to tell them the things they  know/.. . I know them, we know them and still things are kept wrapped in pretty paper or lead encased boxes deep down low hidden in a midden and never to be opened/disclosed or exposed. .. I fear for those secret things and what will become of an accident that springs the lot of them.

Coming through the park recently arms long with vegetables and fit fanatics to my front and rear. me smoking too. them on the track, me too, round and round without a sound. I felt noble and fine with sun on my face and no problems other than the lengthening arms.  Thinking and bouncing along with the rhythms of old music in my earphonics. TAsty times these are, I won't always be doing this on fridays. I don't know that for sure but to think they may not always be that way gives reason to appreciate. no reason is needed. I appreciate.

And so the day slips from light into night all too soon and too sudden and then we know not what may arrive or arise in coming hours. We needn't wait. we are here --you and I and all the others moment by moment as it happens..

we love everyone  we love ourselves more

glad to be talking